Support the Festival

Proceeds from ticket sales cover the costs of staging the Festival. Our ability to provide grants towards Sherborne music and musicians arises largely from the generosity of our patrons, our sponsors and other donations. Read on to discover some of the ways in which you can support the Festival.

There are many ways in which volunteers can help, including assisting with the distribution of Festival brochures, or stewarding at concerts. If you’d like to find out more about the various ways in which you can give your time then we’d love to hear from you, please contact:

Get in touch

General Enquiries

Patron Coordinator
TEL: 07938 827098


Follow us on Social Media


Become a Patron

We are extremely grateful to have a wonderful community of Patrons who are passionate about the festival, and without whom we could not have maintained the quality and standard of our performances.

We are always delighted to welcome new Festival Patrons. By joining us you will be helping the Festival to grow whilst also ensuring we can continue to support local music initiatives, particularly those involving young people.

As a Festival Patron you will also enjoy a range of privileges at the level you have chosen. These include advanced booking, discounts and the opportunity to be invited to exclusive Festival events such as Patrons parties and pre-concert drinks.

To become a Patron of Sherborne Abbey Festival, either:

  • Download and complete the application and standing order forms. They can either be posted or scanned and emailed – details are on the form.
  • Or complete the online application form here. Please note that you will need access to online banking if you use this method.

Should you wish to change your level of patronage please contact the Secretary by phone or email – details in the box alongside.

Patrons Party Champagne Flutes and lights

If you don’t have access to a printer you can pick up blank forms at the Abbey Parish Office, or you can email us and we will arrange for copies to be sent to you.
Enquiry number for patrons and prospective patrons: 07938 827098

If you don’t have access to a printer, please email and we will arrange for a copy to be sent to you.

Annual payment (minimum*)£2000£1000£200£140£100£60£35
Festival preview eventYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Super advance bookingYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Advance bookingN/AN/AN/AYesYesYesYes
Tickets discount50%45%35%30%20%10%None
Patrons' partyYesYesYesYesYesNoNo
Pre-concert drinksYesYesYesYesYesNoNo
Interval ChampagneYesYesYesNoNoNoNo

*According to Gift Aid rules Patrons who pay tax are entitled to claim tax relief on the amount of the bronze membership only, this being the value of the subscription which can be classed as a donation.

Festival Patron

We are very fortunate in having Sir John Eliot Gardiner CBE as our Festival Patron


The Lord Bishop of Salisbury, the Bishop of Sherborne, The Revd Martin Lee, Lady Dione Digby, Kenelm Edward Wingfield Digby, John Baker.


New patrons will be required to set up a banker’s standing order so that annual payments are not accidentally missed.


New patrons will be required to set up a banker’s standing order so that annual payments are not accidentally missed.

Give your time...

Become a volunteer

Being a volunteer is one of the best ways in which you can experience the Festival. Our wonderful Stewards and Box Office staff assist with events and ensure that audiences get the most out of their Festival experience. If you’re interested in joining the team then we’d love to hear from you, please contact: